(Survival Swim & Stroke School)
The Sooner, The Safer.
1 (868) 769-6406
Specialized ISR Self-Rescue® Lessons
for children from 6 months to 6 years.
Tonia Roberts - Certified ISR Instructor
Serving Trinidad & Tobago and Islands in the Caribbean.
(Survival Swim & Stroke School)
Watching your child is not enough, nor are pool safety gates able to protect
them from every hazardous water situation. Give your child an extra layer
of protection in the event that supervision lapses--even momentarily--
and he or she ends up in the water alone.
ISR is the safest provider of infant and toddler survival swimming lessons Worldwide. With more than 45 years of research and development behind
ISR's ISR Self-Rescue® program, ISR teaches each child survival skills in
conjunction with basic swimming lessons that give them
the competence and confidence required to safely enjoy the water.
To date, ISR Certified Instructors have delivered more than
7,750,000 ISR Self-Rescue® lessons and saved more than 800 lives.
Empower your child by enrolling him or her in ISR Self-Rescue® program today!
Visit our award-winning national website at
www.infantswim.com for additional information
about aquatic safety or to locate an instructor in your area.
Copyright 2015. The content of this site is copyrighted property of Tonia Roberts-Ferreira and/or Infant Swimming Resource.
Any unauthorized use or reproduction of logos, photos, images and/or Infant Swimming Resource names or other related
materials is in direct violation of copyright and trademark laws and may not be used without express written consent.